Saturday, 18 January 2025

Favourites - Semi Twang - Salty Tears

I bought my first copy of Salty Tears in the sale/secondhand section of Everyman Records in Nelson not long after it was released.  

Whoever discarded it did me a great favour as it has endured as a favourite record for many years.  What attracted me to the album, apart from the price, was the production team with Jerry Harrison, Mitchell Froom, and Chris Thomas sharing production duties.  Clearly the record company was getting behind this release.  

It is a record that does not have a lot of standout tracks but holds together overall but check out the Title Track and No Other Girl

About once a year or so I go through a phase of playing the record a few times over about a month.  On one of those occasions, I started googling about what happened to them and why there was only one record.  No real answer but I did find that the lead singer and main song writer had in fact released a few solo CDs and I managed to track down 3 of them – each had the spark of something good going on but I suggest you start with Quiver.

Then in 2011 they got the band back together and have since released 3 excellent CDs which I bought directly from the band’s website.  All three are worth checking out but I suggest you start with Wages on Sin.





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