More than 30 years after releasing that fine album in 2021 I think he released his finest work to date with The Horses and the Hounds. While I enjoyed it immedirately it has steadily grown on me, the depth of the songwriting becoming clearer with every play.
It was the opening song Canola Fields that drew me into repeated listening. The best song I have heard about rekindling youthful love. You can always expect some evocative phrases and this was the one that got me
In a way back corner of a cross-town bus
We were hiding out under my hat
Cashing in on a thirty-year crush
You can't be young and do that
One song later, after the romanticsm of that track there is the pointed critique of Operation Never Mind how the US engages in war (or operations) these days. With the profiteering and eliticsm of the KBR Man versus the poor country boy doing the fighting.
The country boys will do the fighting
Now that fighting's all a country boy can do
But all the time being very aware to avoid the public getting too het up about it.
We got a handle on it this time
No one's gonna tell us we were wrong
We won't let the cameras near the fighting
That way we won't have another Vietnam
No one knows, 'cause no one sees
No one cares, 'cause no one knows
No one knows, 'cause no one sees it on TV
Later we have the funkiness of Ft. Walton Wake-Up Call built around relationship issues and how losing your glasses can make a whole day turn to shit.
She's camped in the shower and she won't come out
And I don't have a clue what that's about
I'll just have to wait and see
Can't get online to check the bank
Twitter's on fire, my stocks all tanked
But what's really getting to me is
I keep losing my glasses
After more trials and tribulations the day ends as it started
My daddy told me, if you got any sense
Better feed the woman, many years hence
I know what he meant and I got me a plan
But I can't read the menu 'cause, damn it
I keep losing my glasses (glasses)
Those are some of my highlights but as I am playing the record now - I could have picked three of four others
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