Friday 22 August 2014

Song of the Day 22 : Summertime : George Gershwin

When Chris and I were driving around the Coromandel last weekend we played a great Sam Cooke compilation.  One of the tracks was his version of Summertime. Which prompted Chris to comment on how much he liked Fun Boy 3's version - which made me play that and that was how the subject of the last blog came about.

But Summertime deserves an entry in its own right.  I have lost count of how many versions of it I have. From the snippet of it Iggy sings on the anarchic Metallic KO live bootleg album (as he segues into a short version of I've Got A Cock in My Pocket), Cooke's, Miles Davis',  Billy Holiday, Janice Joplin and Sinatra.

My absolute favourite though is Ella and Louis' from their Porgy and Bess album (that haunting cornet at the opening really captures the emotion of the song). 

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