I was introduced to them by The Coat when he came to visit us in Nelson in the early 80s. He knew not to come empty handed and the records I remember from that visit were by Husker Du (Zen Arcade from memory) and The Replacements (definitely Let it Be).
I later learnt that they were both from Minneapolis which at that stage seeemed to be like the Dunedin of the States with these two bands and Prince.
After hearing them it was inevitable that I would end up getting copies of their latest records and have since collected more than a few by each and The Replacements became Chris's favourite band.
What I particularly like about this album and Husker Du is the melody buried beneath the noise.
The first four songs really outline the manifesto of their later career pretty well. The title track kicks things off nicely, then you are into the melodic Every Everything and Makes No Sense at All and then the angry Hate Paper Doll. Now that would have made a great EP - but there are more rewards.
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