Wednesday 28 January 2015

Recent Additions : Chuck Prophet : Night Surfer

After a few mail delays I finally received my copy of Chuck Prophet's new album Night Surfer a few weeks ago -  that Fiji Mail can be a real pain.

Chuck is an artist that appeals to the whole family and over Christmas Sam said he had bought the CD and was not overly impressed.  Not as good as usual he said as he recommended the new Daft Punk and Ryan Adams (another family favourite).

I have now listened to the album and think Sam needs to give it a few more goes.  I remember being underwhelmed by some of Chuck's other albums on first play but now there is only one that I think does not meet his normal standards.

This one does and I am confident I will still be reaching for this in years to come.  I particularly like Wish Me Luck,   Guilty as a Saint and Laughing on the Inside

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