Friday 28 March 2014

I dont know much about Jazz but I like ....... Lee Morgan's Sidewinder

This will be the start of a new series about some of the Jazz records I have started to collect, listen to and enjoy.  I have my son Chris to thank or blame for this.  It was his enjoyment of hip hop that made him look for connections and search out some of the old Jazz samples.  In his student, no money days, he then pestered me to buy him the CDs which we would rip and then I would own!  So I started listening... and enjoying.

Currently, I have a bit of a ritual every morning.  Most people know that I am an early rise and while sometimes it is straight to the office - other times, I do relax a bit and put on some jazz while reading the paper, working, or more recently writing this blog!!!

I am really a jazz novice but what I will do is just let you know some of the Jazz albums I do enjoy and recommend.  Most of what I listen to is Bop or Be Bop from the late 50's and early 60's. One thing is clear in Jazz though is that it is a music of connections, players swapping between each others's bands, taking turns to take the lead.

So today's recommendation : Sidewinder by Lee Morgan

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