I have been lucky enough to see Trombone Shorty twice. Great shows both times. Each year in Singapore there is a roots and blues festival that follows on from the Byron Bay Festival and Trombone Shorty (Troy Andrews) came two years in a row. The first year as about 3rd down the bill and the second year as a headliner after blowing John Legend off the stage the first time.
It was in the second show that he really showed his class and that I remember best. The night was plagued by bad sound and complete breakdowns. While it stopped the other acts cold - Troy and band jumped down off the stage and literally took the music to the people marching and playing through the crowd while the roadies worked desperately to get things going again. In doing that he turned disaster into triumph and it made for a truly memorable night.
Some of you may have gotten into the TV series Treme about New Orleans recovering from Cyclone Katrina. Troy played himself a few times with one of the main characters, Antoine Batiste, regularly bitching about Troy's success. By the way it is worth checking our John Boute's Jambalaya where you get the terrific title tune to the show.
Anyway back to Trombone Shorty: This is his latest CD - Say that to say this which I am just getting into (sad to say it is not available on vinyl) - it has all the normal flashes and mixes up New Orleans Funk, Jazz and Second Line rhythm. It even has a bit of soul. I am sure it will grow on me as his other two have - however it is his first CD Backatown that I keep coming back to.
By the way shorty is a joke!!!

If you like this do not hesitate to check out this one as well - less varied but still got the New Orleans jump! Rebirth Brass Band
It was in the second show that he really showed his class and that I remember best. The night was plagued by bad sound and complete breakdowns. While it stopped the other acts cold - Troy and band jumped down off the stage and literally took the music to the people marching and playing through the crowd while the roadies worked desperately to get things going again. In doing that he turned disaster into triumph and it made for a truly memorable night.
Some of you may have gotten into the TV series Treme about New Orleans recovering from Cyclone Katrina. Troy played himself a few times with one of the main characters, Antoine Batiste, regularly bitching about Troy's success. By the way it is worth checking our John Boute's Jambalaya where you get the terrific title tune to the show.
Anyway back to Trombone Shorty: This is his latest CD - Say that to say this which I am just getting into (sad to say it is not available on vinyl) - it has all the normal flashes and mixes up New Orleans Funk, Jazz and Second Line rhythm. It even has a bit of soul. I am sure it will grow on me as his other two have - however it is his first CD Backatown that I keep coming back to.
By the way shorty is a joke!!!
If you like this do not hesitate to check out this one as well - less varied but still got the New Orleans jump! Rebirth Brass Band
Sounds pretty funky (YouTube link again :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEWLuBB7_FE)