It was Iggy embracing the new wave with a poppy selection of solid if rather meaningless and even dumb songs. I do not listen to it often but when I do I surprise myself by still knowing most of the words.
It does not get mentioned very often in assessments of Iggy's work coming immediately
The album has a few interesting tracks including Five Foot One, Girls, Don't look down (which Bowie remade).
I'm Bored is probably the best known song on the album. Interestingly he recorded another video of it when in NZ for Radio With Pictures at a (NZ) celebrities type of event. Here that is and clearly no one really knew what to make of him at the time as he tried to shock (in a pretty lame way). He was clearly pretty bored!!! I knew a guy that was there recording it and he said it was like a complete cultural mismatch.
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