Saturday 1 November 2014

Song of the Day 24 : Let's Get Together : The Youngboods

Jan and I saw Steve Earle a few years ago and the now long gone Civic Theatre.  We saw a few shows there over the years  but this was memorable as the Fire Service enforced the Capacity limits.

We would not have seen the show if Jan had not told me to get over my aversion to queues and wait in line rather than go for a pre-show drink.  It was a great show and Steve finished the show with covers of Brinsley Shwartz's What's So Funny 'Bout Peace Love and Understanding and Let's Get Together.  We both knew the latter song from hearing it but nothing much about it.  We both thought it was sung by a woman!  It was pre-google days so it was not until a few nights later that our friend David LaPlanche told us it was by The Young Bloods.

Don't ask Jan about her struggle to catch his guitar pick.

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