Friday 6 June 2014

Black Country Blues Bluegrass Classic : Carolina Chocolate Drops : Leaving Eden

Carolina Chocolate Drops' album before this was called Genuine Negro Jig and that seems to sum up the bands agenda.  Bringing back old style music you can believe could have been played 100 years ago.    In these politically correct days I was surprised that a band would have the balls to call itself Carolina Chocolate Drops - but they do and do so with proud.

Leaving Eden has become one of my favourite acoustic albums. A great mix of hoedowns, jigs, blues and bluegrass sympathetically produced by Buddy Miller.   The title track is a rare ballad dealing with the impact of the closure of the only factory in a small town. Read 'em John has the sound of a field holler while Country  Girl is great bluegrass party song.  There is more of the same on the album.


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