Tuesday 6 October 2015

Recent Additions : Greg Trooper - Incident on Willow Street

Some artists seem incapable of producing bad albums.  Greg Trooper is one of those.  I first heard of Greg Trooper when he was one of the lead articles in a No Depression magazine. The magazine is no longer published but it is available on line - and you can even read the article I read way back in 2001 in this link.

I bought the album that the article was promoting and over the years have picked up quite a few more including one of my favourite albums that I have written about earlier.

Incident on Willow Street was self released in 2013 and I have only recently picked up a copy.

As usual it has an impressive set of songs that always leave me wondering why he does not have more success.   I suppose is it is the type of country music that is not popular in the bigs bars which tend to be about drinking, patriotism, drinking and eating fried chicken.     All The Way to Amsterdam, Steel Deck Bridge, Everything's a MiracleThis Shitty Deal, and Mary of The Scots in Queens. are not only good examples of the best of what is on this album but are up there with any thing he has done.  


  1. MIkie,

    Once again you have introduced me to a great artist that I would not have found without your great blog. Keep em coming.

    Steve Walker

  2. Thank for reading Steve - helping others find new music that has passed them by is the main reason I write the blog.

    Hope things are going well for you. By the way Daniel Lough and one of the Indian team have now joined me in Fiji!!!

    Cheers Mike
