Tuesday 1 April 2014

Damn Right I’ve Got Some Blues 1 : Michael Powers, Onyx Root

Last night we had some friends for dinner.   As usual I tried to play music that I thought would be a mix of what they would know or enjoy and perhaps be inspired to check out further.  At such times I therefore always play the music a bit louder than what some would have as background music.   To me it has to be loud enough to catch people’s ears and for them to say things like “I’ve always liked this” or even better “Who is this?”  If it is the latter I have them trapped!!!

I had not realised it but, as they were regular visitors the plan had worked previously and one had been inspired to rediscover and reconnect with his blues collection.  So last night was blues focused.

I have had blues in my collection since the late 70s and it has grown in to a reasonable part of the collection. By no means a blues aficionado and purists would probably scoff at some of my choices - but anyway here is the start of a new series :  Damn Right I've got some blues (with a nod to Buddy Guy).

After hooking Joe on the Heritage Blues Orchestra whom I wrote about last week I put this CD on.  

I bought this as it was in a recommended rack in a CD store at Wellington Airport. The recommendation was backed up by a clipping of a review. It also had an interesting selection of  both some blues standards and non blues songs that I knew and liked ( Here are the original versions Psychotic Reaction, Bird on a Wire and She's about a Mover)  and was intrigued to hear how they would transfer to a blues environment.  Well worth checking this guy out

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