Wednesday 9 April 2014

Recent Additions 10 : Dexys - One Day I'm Going to Soar - another high recommendation

In the words of the Greatful Dead - "What a long strange trip it's been" for Dexys.  Originally Dexy's Midnight Runners they have produced three very good and very different albums over a 7 year period as the 70's turned into the 80s.

Of course most people remember them for Come on Eileen and there was definitely case of one song overshadowing and somehow diminishing the rest of their music. All three albums are excellent in their own right and I am sure I will blog about each of them in time.  However the final one, Don't Stand me Down, seemed like a logical end point to an experimental and soulful band.

So it was a bit of a surprise when their latest was released after a 27 year gap.  There had been a few patchy reunion shows and I would guess that most people would not have held much hope for anything that essential.

One Day I'm Going to Soar got the usual gushing reviews that the UK music press reserves for some classic British artists so it took me a wee while to decide to fork out the $45 for a double vinyl.


This is a record that deserves all the praise and is definitely worth the wait.  to some extent it is a logical progression from the last, at times inaccessible album, Don't Stand Me Down.  It has a bit more swagger and sway than that one.  While it won't probably sell as well as the earlier efforts - it may well surpass them in artistry and be there best album yet.  The musicianship is excellent, the songs well sequenced. Check out the opening song Now.

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