Saturday 12 April 2014

Recent Additions 11 ; Over the Rhine : Meet Me at the Edge of the World :

I first became aware of Over the Rhine about 11 years ago when their double CD Ohio was released.  A positive review in The Press was enough for me to seek it out.  Over the Rhine is actually a suburb of Cincinnati  in Ohio but the band is the husband and wife duo of Karin Bergquist and Linford Detweiler augmented with an array of changing players.  They do mostly their own material which frequently has spiritual and Christian themes, however it is not too overt.  Karin's voice is the band's core asset while it can be gentle and folky it has just enough of a blues edge to it to keep it interesting.

Maybe the 2000's version of Richard and Linda Thompson.

Meet Me at the Edge of The World  continues their  run of strong albums of tasteful folky blues.  I suspect their consistency counts against them with old fans as it can be a little samey but I also suspect that wherever you enter their history might be come your favourite and the album you compare with others.

Standout tracks to me are the title track and All Over Ohio and It Makes No Difference.

I will write about the two albums I like the most Good Dog Bad Dog and Ohio later but if you see this and buy it you wont be disappointed. 

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